OK, so you have come up with a wonderful idea for a new business and are ready to get to work? Congratulations! I wish you all the success in the world. But I would also advise this: there are a lot of things you need to consider before getting to work. Your idea might have legs, but unless you give it a solid and strong foundation, the chances are you will fail. With this in mind, I’ve put together this ultimate checklist for all new businesses. It includes everything you need to have in place before you can consider taking a product or service to market. Let’s get started right away. Is there a market for your product or service? First of all, your bright idea might be fantastic in your mind. But what about everyone else’s? You have, to be honest about whether or not your product or … [Read more...] about Ultimate Checklist For Brand New Businesses
How Safe Is Your Business Idea? Here Are The Questions You Need To Ask
Before you get a business running, you need an idea. But you need an idea that’s actually going to be able to run. Too many would-be startups try to get going before they have any idea of whether it’s going to work or not. Business is about risks, but it’s not about blind risks. Here’s how you make sure your idea is good to go. Is it planned out? If you’re new to business, you’re going to need more than just an idea to get running. You need to have steps put down to implement. You need to know the different tasks involved in running the business, how much it will all cost and how you make it profitable. A business plan is a must-have for new business owners. Is it tested? Before you put your product or service out there, you need to make sure it has value to the customer. You have to … [Read more...] about How Safe Is Your Business Idea? Here Are The Questions You Need To Ask
What a dog rescue taught me about business
A few weeks ago someone posted a photo of a dog with a limping leg begging for food from people in the streets on a page called Malaysian Dogs Deserves Better, a non profit helping and rescuing dogs. He was in bad condition and was in desperate need of help. Since I live only 30 minutes away from the area, I knew I had to step up to help rather than wait for someone else. The following day Jin Lee (my girlfriend) and I went to the place described in the photo. We searched high and low for the dog but it was nowhere to be seen. After walking around for almost an hour, we nearly gave up our search and called it a day. While we were walking back, we saw the dog resting under a car. He was so weak he barely noticed us approaching him. As I approached him, I could smell his wet coat as … [Read more...] about What a dog rescue taught me about business
Make It Easy for Customers to do Business With You
We’re all lazy! We don’t have the time and want everything to be as easy as possible. Don’t make it tough for us already! We don’t like to go an extra mile (Unless it’s really worth it or you paid us). If it’s possible, we don’t want to lift a finger at all! It may or may not be true, but these are just some things that I have noticed online while browsing and reading blogs. I noticed that until today, some businesses still make it so tough for customers to reach them, whether it’s on social media or just to get in touch with them. … [Read more...] about Make It Easy for Customers to do Business With You
Google Should Partner With Twitter Instead of Buying
Business insider wrote an article that Google should buy twitter a while ago. Although I think acquiring twitter will be a good move for Google, I doubt twitter would ever consider selling. In my opinion, partnering will be a better choice for Google. Although we understand the term "everyone has a price" I doubt twitter are considering to sell their business seeing that they have a lot of plans in the coming future. (hint: more monetization). … [Read more...] about Google Should Partner With Twitter Instead of Buying
Facebook Versus Twitter in Business
Is there a difference between facebook over twitter in business? Does you business use one or the other or both? Some businesses concentrate on using only twitter and some concentrate more on facebook. For me the combination for both facebook and twitter is the best combination. Understanding the two platforms helps you understand the strengths of each other which allows you to use each of them to its full potential. … [Read more...] about Facebook Versus Twitter in Business