Is there a difference between facebook over twitter in business? Does you business use one or the other or both?
Some businesses concentrate on using only twitter and some concentrate more on facebook. For me the combination for both facebook and twitter is the best combination.
Understanding the two platforms helps you understand the strengths of each other which allows you to use each of them to its full potential.
Strengths of Facebook
More Personal
If we compare twitter and facebook. Facebook is actually more personal compared to twitter. With facebook it is a whole different level of relationship. However, I don’t really like facebook algorithm updates which don’t really show everyone’s updates. You get to hear longer thoughts from people compared to twitter.
Profile Versatility
What do I mean by this? With facebook you are able to set up a personal profile, a professional profile, a business page or a fan page. Although you are able to to set up different accounts on twitter, they really have the same functions as facebook. With facebook, you have all kinds of choices.
Facebook ads.
For business, Facebook gives you the opportunity to purchase ads which you can target VERY specific niches, age or segmentation. You can target people who are living in the United States, age around 20-30 who loves technology or even enjoys watching Glee.
Strengths of Twitter
Twitter’s biggest strength is its speed. No one can defeat twitter when it comes to speed. Not even reporters. When things happened around the word, you’re going to hear it on twitter.
Information and Research.
It is easy to get information on twitter. All you have to do is do a simple search using twitter search. You will hear what people are talking about your brand and what people are talking about your competitors as well. I did an article on how four seasons use twitter and @CherryKam, one of the staff from four seasons hotel commented on my blog proved that four seasons are monitoring what people are talking about them.
Earlier I mention twitter is the king of speed. Tweets goes viral easily as well. One tweet can get you tons of retweets and views. It is harder to get a message to go as viral on facebook compared to twitter.
Of course there are a lot of other strengths twitter and facebooks has. At the end of the day, each platforms has their own strengths. Therefore it is up to your company or business to decided which suits well with your business.
My opinion? Go where the crowd is.
Photo source: 1
Robinsh Kumar says
I am also feeling the same that twitter is more powerful than facebook and we can compare their effectiveness also if we tweet once we can get thousand of the visitors to our webpage while facebook page update is giving something like nothing.
askaaronlee says
Good day Robinsh,
That is why i felt twitter is about getting your information out and facebook is about building relationship. Blogs works better than both of them. So blogs will be long term for me.
glitterglitzer says
Great post again Aaron! I like both facebook and twitter but somehow I have the feeling people 'talk' more to one another on twitter. I said once before that the Swiss do not really engage on facebook. They may comment on something but mosty it is just saying what they do at the moment and apart from looking at photographs of others they stay on their side of the fence.
Iulian Ionescu says
Great Post! I think you should include LinkedIN somewhere as well. I think that, with enough time, by combining Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIN you will have the widest reach to all demographics. For me Twitter is the big thing, for now… Who knows what's next month?
Mohd Jefferi says
Yea. Totally agree with you Aaron. The combination of both will create an insane power! Blog is all about long term plan and must be always updated .If you don't have a long term plan and the time to spend, choose not to blog.
Aaron Lee says
I agree with you mate, who knows what will be big next? Most probably @foursquare for now. I don't really see anything coming up besides @foursquare. I wanted to include Linkedin as well but I'm not very familiar as I am not as active there compared to facebook and twitter.
Indeed combination of all is the best =D
Aaron Lee says
It all comes down to the dedication of the person to blog. It takes a lot of training to blog everyday. If one is busy i recommend two blog post a week.
Aaron Lee says
Thank you Milo, i appreciate you taking the time to drop a comment on my blog.
You're actually right, people do talk more on twitter because they have more friends on twitter than facebook. However i think we should all use twitter to meet new people, and facebook to develop the relationship. =D
glitterglitzer says
You are welcome! 🙂
That is something very clever you said there. Facebook has more possibilites with pictures and stuff but that is where I get shy. Do I really know who I talk to? If it were only me I would not care so much but I have two kids. And suddenly my whole perspective changed. I am proud of them and I want to show the whole world how beautiful my kiddies are but that is just it. It's not a good idea. The world is not only a happy place. The answer how I solved that you know… I have two accounts. On one there is almost nothing and the other is for people I trust.
Aaron Lee says
LoL! Well it all comes down to how much you want to share on facebook or twitter. Some people are more personal compared to others. Some not so. Some is all about business business business, so what you see in their account is their professional photos, etc.. LoL! Me? Its all about knowing me.
Gabriel J. Alvarez says
Totally agree! Great post my Tweep!
Aaron Lee says
Thank you Gab =D
iconic88 says
Thanks for a great post Aaron.
Absolutely agree, go where the crowd is or fish where the fish are.
Aaron Lee says
Thank you my kung fu brother =D
Kerry Hargraves says
It has been my impression that to fully benefit from Twitter a bigger investment in time is required, or perhaps not more actual hours, but closer immediate attention. Things happen fast and important information can get buried fast. Facebook is easier to keep up with, at least for me, for now.
Stephanie says
I prefer Twitter over Facebook for building relationships – especially on the business/professional side of things. It's fast, easy to manage, more public, and…there are no “games” (farmville, mafia wars, etc.). 😉
That said, I also maintain a FB account because there are so many people there! To ignore it would be to ignore a huge set of potential readers, clients, and friends.
Aaron Lee says
Thank you for sharing Stephanie, i do agree. I maintain both because I feel with facebook, its easier to build a relationshuip
Aaron Lee says
That is very true, stuff get buried in twitter easily, guy kawasaki actually tweet the same tweet four times in a day because of that
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ภาษาเกาหลี says
What is business all over.
techttin says
Facebook is more personal than twitter & twiitter is more viral than facebook. Combination of both will defiantly take your brand to a new height. Keep tweeting & liking techttin
ambreen11 says
I think facebook is user friendly though i use both, i am new to twitter
so i don’t really know how it works. The problem with facebook is someone
can create an account using your details,but i think both of them are
SocialMediaSpotlight says
wondered how you’re doing with Twitter vs. Facebook now…have you done much with Twitter?
SocialMediaSpotlight says
so, three years has passed since this posting, Aaron…what are your feelings on this subject now?
SocialMediaSpotlight says
Is Twitter still the Big thing for you now?