Is it worth the time and effort to grow targeted Twitter followers? Building a loyal and targeted Twitter followers takes countless hours from crafting content to engaging with others. It's a never-ending cycle of tweets. Some people give up because the task is too daunting for them. Is it worth the time? That is one question I get quite often. Some people feel that I'm just wasting my time. It's worth every single second. Trust me when I say there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Here are nine reasons: Is it worth the time to build targeted twitter followers? 1. Exposure This is the #1 reason you should build targeted Twitter followers. The exposure you can get from Twitter are endless. Through my connections that I've made, I've been featured … [Read more...] about Is it worth the time to get more targeted twitter followers?
How to Write the Next Blog Post With Reader in Mind
Approximately 2 out of 10 page visitors will read your entire article. 1 out of 10 people who land on your post will only read the headlines. In your next blog post, keep these psychology ideas in mind to ensure that more people read your entire article. Are Your Headlines and Subheadings Interesting? If you’re writing an article about rescue horses in your area: “Rescue Horses Near Atlanta, Georgia” That is not an interesting headline. The first question readers ask when seeing something like this is, “So what?” They’re not likely to even click through your link if this is the only bait. What makes readers want to continue is a desire to learn more. Your blog title and subtitles should be interesting and leave questions unanswered. how-tos numbered “tips” direct … [Read more...] about How to Write the Next Blog Post With Reader in Mind
Finding Balance & Getting My Life Back
Finding balance in your life? Want to get your life back? A few years ago, I applied a simple concept to optimize what I was doing daily. It was simply to do 5 little things each day to get me closer to my goals. Back then, that goal was to grow my network. So all I did daily for over a year was: … [Read more...] about Finding Balance & Getting My Life Back
Your first everything will probably be terrible (and that’s okay)
What was your first tweet like? What is your first blog post like? If you did video before, how did your first video like? Were you uncomfortable and look stiff in front of the camera? If you’re a photographer, how did your first photo look like? I recalled the first photo I took with my DSLR, I deleted it right away. It was that BAD. You would think I took it with a phone with low coloured resolution. What about the first time you rode a bike? You probably fell numerous time. Did that stop you? No. First time I sat on a bike. I was so afraid, my palms were sweating so much and due to me holding on to the bike so tight, but when I was able to paddle two full circles I felt I was the king of the little road ........ of my house. My first blog post had so many grammatical … [Read more...] about Your first everything will probably be terrible (and that’s okay)
The Reason I Just Deleted My Pinterest Account
As of today, my Pinterest account and I are getting a divorce. I’ve officially deleted my Pinterest account and won’t be using it anymore. The truth is, while I’ve used it to help me design my room and had tons of great memories, it’s just not working out on a business level for Ask Aaron Lee. I can't even remember the last time I use it........ Sure, I could use it on a personal level but I believe it’s not worth the time as I could use it on networks which are more relevant to my core business. I guess you could say that I’ve gradually been cheating on Mrs Pinterest. I’ve spent so much time on other networks and seeing beter results from it. I personally feel that other networks have more potential for my business compared to Pinterest. Recently, I’ve been spending more … [Read more...] about The Reason I Just Deleted My Pinterest Account
Get yourself a portable computer
A laptop is one of the most vital pieces of technology. Get yourself one! Why? Because you deserve it. I used to love my desktop. I had a laptop too, but I prefer my desktop because it feels good to have something anchored and unmoving. I’ve since migrated to love laptops due to my work schedule. Recently, I was approached by Toshiba to be part of their influencer program and test their Toshiba Portégé Z830 Ultrabook. I never really knew how good it was until I really used it. Today, everyone in my family loves it and has been using it. … [Read more...] about Get yourself a portable computer