We all deserve healthcare, but the powers that be seem to actively keep it from us. Nowadays, it’s not entirely uncommon to find this notion. That the largest medication providers in the US, also known as Big Pharma, are nothing more than criminal cartels. This might sound like hyperbole. But think about what organized crime groups do. They abuse the law and use loopholes to their advantage. They silence opposition. They put people's’ lives at risk. We’re going to look at the real risks of Big Pharma that all citizens should know. When you know where the threat is coming from, you can use your voice to fight it. Putting the cost on the many to the benefit of the few The research for drugs is done, mostly, with public funding. Our public universities and government research centers … [Read more...] about The Three Cardinal Sins Of Big Pharma
Entrepreneurial Skills: Turning An Idea Into Reality
For anyone who is keen to make money from a passive income, it can help to have a good head for ideas. However, this alone is not quite enough. You also need to be able to put those ideas into action. When it comes to doing that, there are some basic things which you should bear in mind. The process of having an idea and turning it into cash is an exciting one, but it’s not without its problems. Either way, it is a learning curve. The more you do it, the better you will get at it, and the easier it will be. Before long, it will be the kind of thing you can do in your sleep - and still make money from. Let’s have a look at some key ways to turn your idea into reality, step by step. Get It Down An idea is one thing, but getting it down on paper is quite another. This initial stage is quite … [Read more...] about Entrepreneurial Skills: Turning An Idea Into Reality
Major Concerns All Businesses Need To Take Heed Of
If you run a company, your primary concern is most likely your operations. If you’re a client-facing business, you’re probably busy trying to get clients. If it’s a product company, you’re most likely more concerned with manufacturing and distribution. But there are key concerns every business needs to consider. You probably already have some measures in place for a few of these things. However, some of these major business aspects often get neglected. Make sure you take note of all these things and their importance to your company. Advertising Whether you promote your services to businesses, consumers or industries, advertising is crucial. You need to pick the right way to advertise to reach your target audience. If you don’t, then competitors will step in and snatch up … [Read more...] about Major Concerns All Businesses Need To Take Heed Of
The Many Benefits Of Setting Up A Non-Profit Organisation, And Why You Should Take The Leap
When it comes to doing worthwhile things with our lives and times, we all know that one of the best things we can do is to help others. After all, if you have help to offer, there will be somebody out there who needs it. Keep reading for a guide to the many different benefits of setting up a non-profit organization, plus why you should take the leap and do it yourself! Making a difference to other people’s lives The first and foremost reason for becoming a non-profit organization is the fact that you will be making a real difference to people’s lives. We all know the feeling of dropping a dollar into a charity bucket and wondering what difference it can make? However, taking leadership yourself puts you back in the driver’s seat. You get to make money or a network of … [Read more...] about The Many Benefits Of Setting Up A Non-Profit Organisation, And Why You Should Take The Leap
Technological Faux Pas That Will Take Your Business Out The Race
If you only learn one thing about the business world today, learn this. It’s based on technology. In fact, I would even go as far to say that for most businesses, technology is now a lifeline. It’s not something that you want; it’s something that you need. Without it, you’ll be an analog clock trying to compete in a digital age. It’s not going to work. You might say that your industry is not reliant on technology. Or, that there are other ways for your business to function on the market. To that I say, look around you. Even businesses that you didn’t think would need tech are using it. Farming is my favorite example. Who would expect to walk into a barn and find it filled with technology? These days they are. You have to realize that making mistakes with your tech could lead to … [Read more...] about Technological Faux Pas That Will Take Your Business Out The Race
4 Common Misconceptions Everyone Has About SEO
You might think that you have a pretty good understanding of SEO or search engine optimization. However, I would bet that your understanding of SEO is that it centers around keywords and backlinks. That's what I used to think until I started a new blog that focuses mainly on SEO. It doesn’t, at least not anymore. Sure, these basic forms of SEO are still a part of getting your business to the top of the SERPs. However, they are not the only factor that you will need to take into consideration. Not even close because everything from social media to content promotion plays a part. As such, there are a few fallacies and misconceptions about SEO that you need to be aware of. SEO is Always A Positive There are certain situations where SEO can have a negative impact on your … [Read more...] about 4 Common Misconceptions Everyone Has About SEO