This is one of my posts originally published on iStrategy Conference, for more original post, head to their blog. Brands and businesses use Twitter to gain visibility, brand awareness, increase sales, and ultimately drive traffic to their blog or website. To do this, brands must first think of how to make their tweets visible to their audience. One important factor to consider when it comes to tweeting is timing. To increase the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) of your articles or links, you need to be tweeting at the optimal time and not when people are asleep or having a busy day at work. … [Read more...] about How to: Find out when is your best time to tweet on twitter
twitter tips
It’s impossible to follow 130,000 people on Twitter, but I do it anyway.
When I started using Twitter back in 2009, there were many strategies to manage the size of your account. Some teaches you to not follow your followers. It seems that having many followers while following as little people as possible reflects authority. "Twitter Gurus" were even preaching that we should follow as many people as possible and then unfollowing them once they become your followers. But some say that to follow your followers is a form of courtesy. … [Read more...] about It’s impossible to follow 130,000 people on Twitter, but I do it anyway.
This is not the way you should automate twitter
That is what Acura (or whoever is behind the account) about to learn as they "spammed" the wrong person, David Meerman Scott author of several marketing books like Real Time Marketing and PR. (great book and this is not an affilate link) Oh.. I think its going into his book in the future too. What happened? Well lets say they have not read any of my memo on personalizing tweets and they took the easy way out by using a tool called Local Response, a tool that helps clients to send tweets or @mentions to people in real time based on checkins, hashtags/keywords etc. … [Read more...] about This is not the way you should automate twitter
Most frequently asked questions on Twitter
If you don’t already know, I have a column on iStrategy conference blog every Friday where I respond to questions about Twitter. One of the most frequent questions I get is “how do I get more followers”, which I did answer in the iStrategy blog, but I have decided to answer them in this blog post too. I got the idea to write this article because @BrennerMichael sent me a tweet with three questions inside this post when I asked if anyone had any questions regarding Twitter. Most of the questions Michael sent to me are questions which I have already answered before, so I thought I should write a compilation of questions for the benefit of everyone. … [Read more...] about Most frequently asked questions on Twitter
Social Media is like Learning How to Fish
This is my metaphor. Just something that I thought off. Don’t kill me for it. Social media or social networking sites like twitter or facebook is like learning how to fly fish. It takes time and patience. I’ve received a lot of emails and direct messages about influence and building a presence on twitter or facebook QUICKLY so why do I relate it with fishing? I’ll tell you why later, There are two types of fishing … [Read more...] about Social Media is like Learning How to Fish