Is someone bullying or harassing you on twitter? I was talking with someone and she mentioned about people who were rude to her on twitter and she wanted to de-activate her twitter account because she got really hurt by the remark. I told her that she shouldn’t quit twitter just because of a little bully who had too much time on his or her hands. We shouldn’t let people like this to influence us.
So what do you to with twitter bullies?
1. Ignore Them
If someone is trying to bully you by sending you hurtful tweets, one way is to ignore them and continue to tweet with other friends. You can log off twitter or do other stuff first then continue to tweet. When you ignore these people, they will not continue to send you all those tweets. If they continue, move to method 2.
2. Block Them
Just block them, they can’t do anything to you when you block them. Blocking prevents the user from following you or replying to you. Isn’t that fun? I block some people who were rude to me and others. Usually I’ll just ignore them because I know they won’t be on twitter for long, but when it gets too annoying or too personal I’ll just block them. Funny thing is I’m not even following most of them.
3. Set Your Account To Be Protected
This helps a lot. If you want privacy you can set your account to be protected so that the public can’t view your tweets unless they follow you and you allow them to see your tweets. By protecting your twitter account, you get to choose who is able to view your tweets. Keeping bullies away.
4. Report to @twitter
Twitter takes this very seriously as well. They have a harassment and violent policy page. You can report to twitter when those bullies have gone too far.
Do check out twitter policy for more information on what to do.
Here are an example of a twitter bully, tweets are screen shots from one twitterer. Names were censored to respect the privacy.
Do you have any experience with cyber bullies? If you did, what did you do?
@Danny_Fr says
What does the veggie comment has to do with anything?
Craig McGill says
I would say it's only the 3rd one that really counts as bullying – and even then it appears to be a one-off negative comment – hardly hardcore bullying.
Andrea Kis says
It happened with me before. I have unfollowed a bunch of people who were going on about their daily moanings and complaints and swearing and when they have found it out they tried to bully me. Thankfully I am not the kind of person they can pick on and sorted them out very quickly. Just blocked the whole bunch of them and erased them. They weren't people I'd be friends in real life anyway.
The other time it happened when I have unfollowed a person who didn't like me arguing against some of his points he raised about certain topics. Please note it wasn't a fight, I was simply puting through my opinion against his. He ended up tweeting up me being a nasty person to his followers who then made really bad and vile comments about me without knowing the root cause or true situation.
I think bullying is not always swearing, cursing bad name calling but also when someone tries to undermine, manipulate and belittle you in an online conversational environment but when they can't do it they turn to nasty tactics like trying to turn others against you or discredit you as an online identity or personality. And it is harder to deal with bullies like that then with the simple, dumb name calling ones.
Unfortunately not everyone is such a balanced, stronf personality like I am and Twitter and other social media sites can be as cruel and vile as entertaining or nice they are at other times.
Aaron Lee says
The person who tweet the 3rd one also tweet the others and yeah its hardcore bullying. =S
Aaron Lee says
Was the Verbal comments that the person said that was bullying, all four tweets was taken from the same person.
*Laurie* says
I think this happens frequently to tweeple. Thank you for sharing…
mskarenau says
I wasn't sure if these would constitute as bullying either, but imagine all of these messages sent to YOU by the same person.
Although pulling them out of context makes it more difficult to judge too. Either way, good for you Aaron for putting up a post like this. No one should stop tweeting because a jerk decides to be negative and disrespectful!
Aaron Lee says
It is sent by the same person, actually some of them are really hurtful to others and I didn't post them.
Aaron Lee says
Thank you Laurie =D
Inez says
Bullies: always trying to snare the rest of the world in their net of misery…
Thank you for the article, Aaron.
Tinu Cherian says
Reporting To @Twitter will not work. Twitter just wont take any measures, even with lots of proofs given !
I had filed a case aganist @tbitch ( whose tweets have probably inspired you to write this post) with Twitter.
This is what they replied :
Twitter provides a communication service. As a policy, we do not mediate content or intervene in disputes between users. Users are allowed to post content, including potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Terms of Service and Rules (name calling is not a violation).
I think the best way is to “Ignore and block them “
Tinu Cherian says
Update : As of today , Either Twitter or @tbitch herself deleted the account ! Twitter is one troll /bully less ! 🙂
Tldavidson93 says
Thanks for your article. @xSDOx & I both had someone harassing us, so we had to block & protect our accounts, unfortunately. Some people can be so immature….sad, but true.
TheyAreWolvesInSheepsClothing says
Aaron Lee I don’t know much about you or your site and just happened to come across it when browsing. I agree that there are many bullies on Twitter, but lately the bullies are the ones proclaiming they are the victims and are anti-bully. People like cjwhodunit , Bullyville, Kate Gosselin, Ziggyflo etc. You want to help end bullying? Focus on them.
WellNowDear says
Unless you completely close yourself off a Cyber Bully on twitter can see all your tweets & make comments abt them to other people. They can publish your @ with demeaning comments etc. I tried to report a bully and the report page wouldn’t even work.
CLee says
yeah I’m going through this right now. It’s quiet embarrassing because it’s my professional twitter. I don’t use it to go on and fiddle around. I go on to read law stories, search professional individuals, and to read up law firms across Canada. Not for someone in high school to contact me for about 4 years now harassing me over every social network I had. I just had enough so I reported every account this individual had. Let me tell you something there’s just too many people out there that can make numerous accounts. Nothing is safe anymore. Twitter is quiet alright, but Facebook is a lost cause. They put your photos public, everything is public. People can contact you over-and-over without your permission. If individuals are going to make a social network that allows people to contact one another. Why not take the extra time to make sure that the people we don’t want to contact us, cant.
Fed up with bullies says
Ive been bullied for awhile now and recently they crossed the line. They hacked my computer, my phone and even set up fake twitter handles just to threaten my life. I admit, i wasnt perfect but i have never done stuff like that. I have been polite, i have blocked them, and even reported to twitter about it all. Twitter wont do anything about it. Those twitter handles are still there doing the same stuff. So after calling the local police and finding out there is nothing they are gonna do until something physically happens. I decided to use the APPS on my phone because they have a glitch in them, even though you block them you can still see their Timelines. I sat back and watched their timeline (i know creepy but effective) just to know how to get them back. It was just for a few months before i decided to bring this out in the open that i will not tolerate threats. I used some of the tactics they used on me: Screenshots, turning some of their “friends” against them, and so on. It was nasty. I am a grown ass man and they took it beyond twitter. I wasnt upset that they shut my other twitter handles down, if it was just that i would have left it alone. Now it became personal. Im not gonna post the twitter handles on here because that is not important, what is important is threatening my life and compromising my saftey. So this is to everyone who reads this. Stand your ground but i agree with the author, the best thing to do is just ignore them. I said my piece and now im done with them. Hopefully those fake twitter handles will go away but that wont happen.
Cheaterville is Revenge Porn says
James McGibney of Bullyville and Cheaterville is a revenge porn ownerand mob boss who lashes out at anyone who speaks out against the abuse of minors. That’s why he torments Tami Vaher and Lora Lusher, because they refused to back down, refused to turn their backs on injured, beaten, exploited kids. Tami and Lora are heroes who have been defamed and bullied but they still stand strong for abused kids. They are great women who deserve medals.
Camille says
I have been bulled
Kat says
It’s happening to me right now. They made a fake profile with my picture and they befriending my friends. They are posting stuff that looks like it’s me. I reported it but haven’t heard from Twitter.
Joseph A. Camp says
Please let me interject here. I am Joseph A. Camp, and the fact that you seem to thank that three successful people who made some mistakes in life somehow merits you SPAMMING their names and yelling all over the internet that they are “ex convicts” doesn’t seem to make you look any better than a “bully”.
As for the mother of a six year old child, she has activily engaged in similar conduct, promoted this conduct why way of her appearances on unpopular BTR shows, and instigations of others. Her motherhood is not the reason she is being named in at least 3 lawsuits, but rather her actions have dictated those results. Your use of her child is a means to exploit the child for your own advantage. No one cares that she is a mother.
You simply don’t get it. You are NOT the internet police, you are instigating harassment, by subjecting this woman Lora to having to relive whatever it is that you are saying about her. Your refusal to names names like Kirsten Claire
Olson Curry of Lee County Florida, or James McGibney, simply because you
are supportive of them, while naming names and re-victimizing others you don’t support is simply demonstrating that you alone are the bully.
I am not an “ex” felon. I committed a crime and I was charged and convicted. That makes me a felon. I now work to promote peace, unlike you who seems to only be SPAMMING names of people to try to get your viewpoint out to newer audiences. Maybe you should stop bullying yourself, and come up with a solution that doesn’t involve SPAMMING innocent victims all over the internet.
Jax says
I found the vegan
Bulliedbeforetechnologyexisted says
No one had to mention my name but instinct told me it was about me. Of course I don’t know if it was or not. Now they are saying I’m the immature one. I actually do have a life but I’m not nonstop busy. I’m sure they’re all cursing me now because they are blocked. I can’t leave or protect my account because I talk to nice people who do not follow me.
Bulliedbeforetechnologyexisted says
this is exactly what is happening to me now!
Bulliedbeforetechnologyexisted says
I also reported them. Now apparently that makes me immature and bad.
Bella Patrick says
I was bullied for like a year by a few celebrities but it was via, “subtweet.” They would reference my initials, or @ other people but talk THROUGH them to, “me.” It was so obvious. It’s a long story but with subtweeting, you can’t really prove anything. I mean really, what or how could you even report that? They could make you look like you’re crazy and just deny it because it was indirect.
Perry Allen says
Joseph A. Camp you continue to commit crimes of stalking and harassment. Several days ago you threatened to put three young children in the hospital:
Joseph Camp here is a list of your 50+ most recent twitter accounts that you used to stalk and harass your victims:
You are a sociopathic liar who has threatened many people, including women and children. Just like the lie that you were falsely accused of trying to sell personal information of your classmates. You tried to sell them to a federal agent and then harassed witnesses on Facebook. Here is the article in Forbes, and you haven’t changed a bit:
The fact that Lora Lusher, Tami Vaher, and others support you while you viciously stalk a woman and child who have a permanent restraining order shows who the real bullies are.
All one has to do is search any of your names and they will see what you have all said. These are screenshots of your own words and show how vile and repulsive each of you are.
Anonymous1 says
I’ve been harassed, not bullied, but harassed, on Twitter for well over a year. The person runs “fan accounts” for models and uses those accounts to harass and stalk, and uses fake pictures of Instagram models as themselves in an attempt to get followers (of which they succeed). The person who’s doing this to me has celebrities like Michael Phelps, Kevin Connolly, and Tom Daley following them, because they think this person is real, despite the fact that with some research, you can find that, indeed, these photos are stolen from a Russian model. They’ve set up bots that spam people with fake nude photos of me, and have tried to get me fired from my job. They’ve even posted Tweets that specifically state that they’re the person in the photo, which is a flagrant violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service, and what do you think Twitter has done? You guessed it. Absolutely nothing. Twitter doesn’t care about the harassment of people on their platform, but they really don’t care about the harassment of women on their platform, and that’s a shame, because so much good has come from Twitter, but they don’t seem to care that 5000 suicides a year are caused by bullying online. Twitter needs to do better with removing these accounts. I shouldn’t have to beg and plead and track down members of Twitter’s User Safety team on LinkedIN just so that I can do my work. It’s absolutely absurd.
sarah says
what about threats of physical and violent nature directed personally or to family?