1. People following you and you’re actually HAPPY about it.
2. People repeating (RT) what you said and you THANKED them
3. You thank people for following you.
4.Celebrities replied to your tweet and you print screen it to show everyone
5. @BarackObama campaigns on twitter, then admits he doesn’t tweet, then sent out his first ever tweet now plans to hire someone to tweet for him
6. People crying because a celebrity unfollowed them
7. Newlywed making love and best man tweet about it.
8. People asking you to repeat what they say if you agree with them.
9. 28 Year old guy quoting what his dad says and gets a tv deal.
10. Mom tweeting few hours after her son drown
11. Man tweeting during a heart attack
12. You tweeting to celebrities to follow you but they don’t
13. You talking about yourself all day long and people don’t think you’re crazy.
14. Waiter fired for tweeting
15. NFL Player Suspended After Tweeting Gay Slur
16. Hotel Guest complained about hotel music on twitter and received a bottle of champagne the next day
17. Girl tried to commit suicide and saved by followers who called the ambulance.
18. 1.5 million people following a cat @sockington *meow*
19. Demi Moore responds to Twitter suicide threat and save life.
20. People feel so happy and keep on tweeting that a celebrity followed them.
21. You unfollowing @AskAaronLee on twitter #LoL kidding.
This post was created for fun and tend to be a joke to lighten up your day. Enjoy! I have more exiting blog post coming up for you in the future. Do keep update.
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LOL *unfollowing u now* 😛
No you won’t =)
Aarron, Yes, you have reached your goal…This is hilarious but riddled with truth. Nobody would ever be so twignorant (yea, my new word) to unfollow you. I believe that may be an oxymoron?
Aaron, I am being a dope again…..”Aaron”….I really do proof read!
Twignorant? Where did u learn that Stu? I like it! =)
Glad you like it mate =)
Oh, great list, Aaron. I heard about some of the events in the list. Oh, Twitter, how funny thy is :D…sometimes though :).
oooh nice Aaron Lee
Twitter was made for me : I love to Travel. With Twitter : I travel the World from my chair. Since April 15th last Year , I am grounded. I have been doing whatever I want to do for almost a year now, I am a success since my ROF. “Be Safe” I do miss the Frequent Traveler Miles.
Aaron this is great! Love it! Great post! I like how you also managed to let your fun personality show through your post. Good job!
I didn't Print Screen, I did Screenshots for #4! L0L
Thanks buddy =D You too. Keep up the good work my friend