I was doing some tweet reading earlier when I came across this post
Nobody Has A Million Twitter Followers (opens in new window)
This is purely based on my personal opinion on that post. If you have read the post Anil was talking about twitter followers then here is a summary of what he said about twitter followers.
- Some of them are inactive users
- some are spammers
I do agree with the two above. However, before that he said
“I’ve got close to 300,000 followers. Surprisingly though, I only get as many retweets and replies as I’d get with my organic number of followers.”
Okay up to that point I didn’t really agree with what he said. I do not know how many retweets or replies he gets but the fact is…. People might read your tweets, people might see them but how many people are interested in that is different. Being on twitter for a while now and making tons of mistakes in the past I’ve learn a lot from that.
Here is what you should know
1.Not 100% of people will be interested in what you tweet about.
Some of your tweets might get tons of replies; some of them might get tons of retweets and so on. Everyone is different and they certainly have different interest. For example let’s say you posted about coffee. Not everyone might want to know about coffee. The true fact is people want to read or click what is interesting to them. Some of your tweets might be more controversial compared to other tweets therefore you get more retweets or replies.
2. Different time zone
I live in a totally different time zone. I live in Malaysia which is like 12 hours ahead of the time in the United States. Therefore sometimes when you post tweets at different time you get different people replying to you. Certainly not everyone is awake when you are. Most of the time when I’m awake people in the United States are sleeping and most of my followers are from the United States. If you want to learn more about getting retweets check out this link.
The Science of Retweets on Twitter
3. People forget about you.
Twitter has so many people using it. Question is how will people remember you? It all goes down to your tweets again. If you post often your “face + tweet” might appear on time line more often and people will browse and if your tweets are interesting people will be interested in YOU. This is because people will read LIVE tweets and reply/retweet/click LIVE tweets. This means when you and them are online at the same time.
Let’s say you keep on posting about what you had for lunch or dinner or what you did. I doubt many will remember you. One thing I gave as a twitter tip is that
To be successful on Twitter, you gotta add value for your followers.
When you have successfully add value to your followers, they will REMEMBER you. They will list you and they will check your profile for future tweets that might interest them to share with their followers and so on.
4. You don’t retweet anyone
This means that you do post interesting tweets but have you retweeted anyone else? One twitter tip I give is that
“Retweet someone once they will notice you, retweet someone a few times they will remember you.”
When you retweet someone, they will notice you, when you retweet them often they will remember you and they will check your timeline or profile and read your tweets. Do it because you want to. They will be a time when they will remember you, and they will retweet you as well. Therefore you get more “publicity”
Therefore the thing I want to say is that
Nobody has a million twitter followers LISTENING.
I agree completely with you Aaron . All points are valid and well elucidated
Thanks mate for taking the time to read my first ever blog post lol.. Appreciate it.
Great article and right on the money.
I’ll bookmark this blog and check out a few of the links you tossed in.
nice post…like it very much
Very usefull post. Simple. Direct. Short. Thanks a lot.
I think some of the things were surprising they found out, like the time of the day and on what days they got the most retweets but I wonder what they posted because in the end I retweet something because I find it interesting.
So in the end I agree with Aaron. Nice post.
Aah yes, I wonder how many times the original was retweeted or read because Aaron wrote this post. That would be interesting…
As always, Aaron, you’ve succinctly described what Twitter newbies need to know. Truthfully, I’m more and more likening my business-specific tweets to a direct mail campaign. I don’t know who is looking at the postcards, who is throwing them away, who is buying because of them, and who is irritated to hear from me in the first place.
You can do a search on twitter to see who is talking about it. =)
I tried testing many searches and found many people talking on different categories.
A lot I hope =)
Thanks for the valuable insight into twitter!
I am still new to it, I am only now starting to retweet the interesting things I find, I didnt
realize how valuable that could be.
I’m also learning that the bigger my followers list grows the harder it is to keep up with, Im
sure many have the same problem. I do love twittering though and am trying to be more
interactive because I like making new friends!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks…………for the tipsssssssss
You're welcome Tabitha =)
Maybe not…but Justin Beiber is getting pretty damn close.
Nuff said 😉
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