Do you come across a firm’s Instagram account and think how they have a huge number of followers or from where they can get such exquisite images?
Just like most of you, I have the same recurring thought.
It is common for social media marketing managers who handle Instagram and other social media accounts to strive for beautiful images, incredible engagement and a huge following.
Instagram- A Crowd Puller
Instagram is and continues to be one of the shining stars in the world of social media. Having a massive fan following from all around the world, it has shown on how much valuable it is for most businesses, especially the local ones. Huge chunks of traffic are directed to websites of businesses, boosting engagement among customers along with increasing and bolstering the brand recognition.
Growing Your Business On Instagram
Check out the following tips on how to beat competition on Instagram –
- Post Content Your Audience Want
In Instagram, everything starts with interesting content. Having more than 450 million users, you must find a way to ensure that your account stands out from the crowd. The content created and posted must not only be great in design, but apt for the audience. Posting beautiful and attractive pictures of the things your audience lack interest won’t get the required engagement and followers that you want.
- Optimizing The Profile To Make It Attractive
Unless you have a winning and attractive profile, you are not going to get any attention on Instagram. Try to follow these golden rules to make your profile interesting and informative –
- Make your Instagram handle tie with the brand service or name. While creating a business profile, your profile picture must be the company logo
- Try to put your business website in the URL section. And make sure that the web address is not shortened or short, as sometimes Instagram might block such sites. Ensure that the traffic generated on Instagram is directed to your website or blog
- Profile descriptions must always be original and short. With the 150 characters, try to create an expression. Avoid the buzzword business phrases and go for relevant and important keywords
- Engaging With Community Members
There are various themes and attractive features of social media channels. You can gain great success in using them, but engaging with your community is the best one and is one of the fastest methods of gaining followers, increasing exposure and getting significant marketing insights.
Take some time to browse the Instagram to check out what people besides from your industry are posting. Occasionally, glance at what your competitors and customers are posting. Check out what photos they engage with, which photos they comment on and like and whom they follow. Get access to the people who are the core elements in your demographic and engage with them.
Like their photos and comment on them. If they have an interest in what your company offers or what you do, they will engage with you and follow your account.
- Adding Interesting Hashtags
At times, you might find hashtags to be annoying and trivial. But they are one of the significant parts of the Instagram ecosystem. These hashtags will expose your account to various users who might not see or find it otherwise. You can use tools like Websta to get hashtags, which are relevant to your post and industry.
The maximum number of hashtags you can use for a post is thirty. Many social media managers will max out the highest count of the hashtags. But on an average, many of the favorite posts will be having 11 hashtags for each image. So, it is important to do your homework and add the necessary and most common hashtags to your account.
- Add Interesting And Informative Photos On Your Social Media Channels
In the last 5 to 8 years, there is a major reason why Instagram has a meteoric rise. It turns out people like visual content. There are various studies to prove that photos are the best methods to get your audience engage on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+
- Post Consistently And Everyday
One of the best ways to increase your Instagram followers is to post content and pictures consistently. In 2015, which is a social media analytic tool had analyzed about 4,000 – 5,000 Instagram profiles.
According to their research, they came to the conclusion that many followers posted two to four times in a day. Also, average Instagram users are not slouches. They posted at least one image each day.
In business, competition is what keeps one going. Many online businesses are always on the lookout for methods to surpass their competitors in all aspects of business. With an effective social media marketing tactics, they can keep their competitors at bay. Furthermore, the presence of hardcore competition will make companies think about what customers want rather than what they want.
Author bio:
Sandra Christie is a social media writer at who also contributes for hundreds of other blogs. Her articles predominantly focus on social media marketing and are widely followed by readers from all over the world.
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