Studies into online users have found that as many as 80% of people who use the internet engage with blogs. Therefore, this can provide you with the perfect platform to spread your content or message.
Many companies use blogs to enhance their SEO—by keeping an updated blog, they can keep their business at the top of a Google search; provided that they use keywords and backlinks in their blog, too.
If you want to run a blog to create a passive income stream, it can be daunting, especially if you are somewhat new to the world of blogging. Like most industries, blogging is competitive, so to make money, your blog has to be unique—and informative.
Here are some top tips to help you set up as a professional blogger.
Choose a topic
If you want to run a successful blog, you will need to think about the topics you want to cover. Of course, you need to have the basics—an internet connection, your idea, and an 11 inch laptop; but more is needed to draw in people who will engage with your blog.
The best way to do this is to choose an area you are passionate or informed about. For example, do you have a PhD in physics? If so, this is a great area to write about, as you know a lot about it. Qualifications in a specific area can also ensure that the content is of a high quality, thus attracting engagement and reading.
Decide on your niche
This may sound the same as the previous point, but it is not. Following the example of physics, which area do you want to write about? Newtonian physics? Applied physics? Or what about a more precise topic, such as applied physics for college students? Choosing a niche will help you identify a demographic that you want to attract. It will also help with any adverts that you may want to place. If you are looking to attract college students to your blog, then you can place the ads on sites such as Facebook.
Establish if there is a demand
So, assuming you have chosen your topic and your niche, the next step is to research. Do enough people want to know about physics for college students to warrant creating a blog? As you want to monetize your content, this is a key area to look into.
Use tools such as Google Trends to help you identify which areas are being researched, and then adjust your blog and content accordingly.
Choose a name
With a blog, you want to make your message heard; but you will also want to create a reliable point of reference. This will help those who read your blog to identify with you, while also helping to spread your name. If you go onto YouTube, all of the channels with a lot of subscribers have names. So, if you want this for your blog, you will need to come up with a unique name. Think of the subject, think of your topic, and think of your audience.
Once you have a name sorted, you can set up and start writing!