There is no doubt that Twitter has become part of everyone daily life including mine. Twitters growth has certainly been impressive since last year and it is continuing to grow by gaining at 300,000 new users a day according to their founders. I am sure that this is just the start for twitter. With their latest features like @anywhere platform I am sure twitter will continue to grow.
So lets take a look at twitter’s latest infographic of their facts and figures. Thanks to @G_Obieta for letting me use his great infographic
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Source: Information is beautiful
Good round-up. You can check a lot more infographics about Twitter and other Social Networks here: – just use the search box for the keywords!
Keep uo the great work
That is some very interesting twitter stats. Tks for the share!
Very interesting, Aaron. I like where it says only 5 are loud mouths and out of the 5, 32% are bots, hehe very funny :D.
It gets confusing when they consider peak hours of the day. Is this according to local time or GMT/UTC? Or did the surveyor just select U.S. Eastern Time as the baseline? Twitter use not only crosses all geographic boundaries but time zone boundaries.
Love the graphics! Schools should consider this as a learning tool. Dig it.
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Love infographics and love Twitter. I'll be bookmarking this site to reference often! Very cool and useful especially for visually oriented types like me with a quirky fascination (o.k. possibly unhealthy :=D) with infographics. Thanks for the great post!
How can you have 5 people with more than 100 followers if the whole community is only 100 users?
100 people can follow the other 100 people too =)
Actually you're first sentence is self centered hyperbole and you are wrong. Twitter is not part of my life at all, much less daily, as us the case with mullions of other humans still in touch with what is meaningful in life.
Great chart – I've tweeted this but came back to reference the numbers. Also love the other info that you put out there. Question: aren't the 5 that are the loud mouths also part of the 5 that have over 100 followers or would this be something like the Twitter elite with a ton of followers?
Love the graphics! Schools should consider this as a learning tool.