Starbucks has unveiled a new logo today. As you can see they remove the most important word in their logo… COFFEE. It is a bold move changing the logo after what had happened to GAP logo. GAP decided to change their logo and people went nuts. Soon after that they implemented back their old logo.
Here is a illustrated history of Starbucks logo.
At first I didn’t like the new logo and didn’t really know why Starbucks decided to take out their Starbucks Coffee words. However, thinking from marketing’s perspective, I think its GENIUS.
Found a video that I would like to share.
According to Howard Schultz, Starbucks president and CEO
“we’ve given her a small but meaningful update to ensure that the Starbucks brand continues to embrace our heritage in ways that are true to our core values and that also ensure we remain relevant and poised for future growth.”
I agree. Here is why.
1) Thinking Global
I actually posted the logo on my Facebook account asking my friend on facebook their opinion. John Davies mentions that Starbucks new logo is brilliant because they were thinking globally and that Starbuck is thinking about their non English market. I agree with John. Starbuck has a huge market, especially in Japan.
2) Product Diversification
Starbucks started out selling coffee, but they have diversified into different products and drinks like Green Tea Frappe, tea, etc. Starbucks is not just about coffee anymore. Like what the president and CEO of starbucks, Howard Schultz said, it allows them to think beyond coffee.
3) Get people talking
What a great way to spread your brand? Get people talking about your brand? There are so many people talking about their brand not just on twitter but on Facebook and blogs (like this post). After all it is free worth of mouth marketing. If you do a twitter search you can actually get mix reviews about the new logo. It takes a while to get used to the new logo, just like how it took me to like the new twitter.
Do I like the new twitter? YES! Do I like Starbucks new logo? YES! I think its simple and brilliant.
Christina Kingston says
Greetings Aaron. Liking the new smoove look of your site. Ah, Starbucks changes its icon…
I didn’t like it at first either because I’ve gotten used to seeing “Starbucks” and “Coffee” on the cup. It became a comfort (even though the coffee there is not as good as the Mom&Pop cafes that the corporations are killing daily.) The global aspect of cutting the English words and making it visual only is an interesting one.
But it is an American company, stand proud Starbuckies! I’d prefer they keep “Starbucks” on the logo. But at this point they sell so many other products it makes perfect sense to remove “coffee”. And now I want a coffee.
Mick Gill says
I think the Logo change may mean that the are branching out into new Business areas!
John Davies says
I am in complete agreement with you and think it truly represents a growth of the companies mindset, as well as respect for the regional market. By using a visual image they are boundless by countries or language but will ring out as the brand of choice. Thank you Aaron.
Linda Ann DiGiacomo says
I really dont care! I dont drink ur coffee.I do not like it! it tastes burnt! If i made that at home .. id chuck it and start again sorry!
Jcrossing89 says
When I think Starbucks, I think coffee! Not tea or pototo chips or cat food. They are cowards. Kowtowing to the whims of “We Are The World” types. I’ve been buying less and less of their product because I was turned off by the direction they were heading. Now they’re there!
Memo Benumea says
Mhhh… I am not sure.
You know, if I see a “Shake” in a poster, I immediately think the main ingredient there is not Milk, but Lard. That’s why it is not called Milkshake.
And the KFC thing. Ya’ll know the rumor is that they don’t actually use chicken, but something else. That’s why they don’t spell Chicken anymore.
So I’m automatically lead to believe now that they won’t be selling exactly coffee… but some lab bioengineered substances that taste like coffee. (I know this cannot be true, but that was my first train of thought).
A.R.Karthick says
Being in biz for 40 years, IMO, Starbucks did the right thing! Just like Nike and Apple ~ once you see this new logo, can make it out what it’s all about. I Hope this move will help them reach into Asian market particularly India & China. Smart marketing ploy indeed! As you stated, it can be easily get viral through Social networks /blogs word of mouth marketing too. Mission accomplished!
Aaron Lee says
Thanks! I think its a smart move to hit the Asian market. Although it doesn’t make much difference in Malaysia.
Aaron Lee says
I’m pretty sure that Starbucks still use coffee. They pay their farmer a higher rate if I am not mistaken. I did a research about them for assignment last semester.
So don’t worry 😛
Aaron Lee says
Companies are always thinking ahead, but I do agree though when I think about Starbucks I think about their coffee, however saying that my friends who aren’t coffee drinkers goes to Starbucks for their cakes and teas.
Aaron Lee says
Bad barista? Be sure to go to their twitter account to post 🙂
Aaron Lee says
I’m pretty sure they have more stuff coming up for their 40th anniversary
Aaron Lee says
You’re welcome John, thanks for sharing your thoughts mate.
I do see them going further with this.
Aaron Lee says
Lookie lookie who we have here 🙂
Thanks for dropping by. I do have a new theme coming up btw.
I do agree, would prefer the keep the starbucks there oh well! buy me a cup of coffee?
Anonymous says
It is great for Starbucks, they are so recognized that they don’t even need words to show who they are. Like McDonald’s Golden Arches or Twitter’s bird.
I can say I prefer the present logo more. Ultimately, as long as they don’t change the mocha and turkey bacon sandwich, I’m good.
David LaSpina / JapanDave says
Good article, Aaron. Like you, I disliked the logo at first. Having thought about it a bit, well, I don’t dislike it. One potential problem: Recognition. How many people do you suppose never even saw the picture inside the logo? Seems silly to say, right? But I’d bet the number is higher than you think. Everyone sees “Starbucks” & “Coffee”, and something inside.. a woman, a mermaid, something, but then turn away and don’t bother with the details of the actual picture.
I’m not sure I buy the argument of appealing to non-English markets. Here in Japan, even tho few speak English, everyone can recognize and knows simple words like “coffee”. Also, English–any English–is considered the height of cool and so a lot of logos throw random English on just to be hip. Now I know Japan may be unique, so this view might not hold for other non-English markets. Just throwing it out there.
Anonymous says
I think it’s a brilliant progression, but they missed a step: the new logo as above, but with the word Starbucks incorporated somewhere. Like JapanDave, I fear there may be a gap of time during which people cannot recognized the lady of the logo freed from her former surroundings without the name “Starbucks”.
Aaron Lee says
Good day!
Thanks for the comment, I do agree with the recognition part. Just like Mercedes, Pepsi and Nike. How did people know that they are those brands? They advertise, showed you the logo, showed you what their brand is about and they put it in your head.
If Starbucks were to advertise and showed me a mermaid, I will most probably remember it. How often do I get to see a mermaid as a logo LoL!
Are you in Japan Dave? I learned Japanese for one and a half years from a Japanese lecturer, he always said that Japanese (maybe his generation) will not support overseas brands or products that has english words in them. Not sure how true is that.
However I think the younger generation will be different 🙂 they are more open from what I notice.
Aaron Lee says
They might have taken out the words but they have not taken out Starbucks from it.
I’m pretty sure they will have starbucks words written somewhere LoL!
Aaron Lee says
Agreed! Haha! we don’t have turkey bacon sandwich here. I’ll fly there one day to taste it 🙂 yum!
Howie at Sky Pulse Media says
Griddy sent me so blame her! Nice post Aaron. And you have some nice takes.
What Starbucks really sells is consistency not coffee. Their coffee doesn’t rank. But what you get inside a store is the classic McDonald’s consistency. Go anywhere in the US you know exactly what you are getting. And if you ever had a heavy travel job like I did for 5 years you know they are clean and have a bathroom. And even better..if you are in a strange town you know the type of area one will be.
So I am fine with them taking the name off the logo. Whether they can transcend being a coffee shop I am not so sure. We will see. As for reaction its heavily negative on their Fan Page. That can be an issue. I mean look what happened to Tropicana. Did they have different OJ in the carton? No. But people revolted.
Dino Dogan says
You cant quite see it but the original starbucks logo (the brown one) had the ta tas prominently displayed. I say go back to that 🙂
Anyways, on a more serious note, I think the globalization of the logo is off mark. There are more people in Asia (China and Japan mainly) studying English than there are current English speakers.
India has surpassed all other countries with the largest number of English speakers in the world. Blows the mind, doesnt it?
Europe speaks English quite fluently as well.
South America doesnt…which is a shame and probably a topic for another time…
The other 2 points are on the money I think. Very astute observation Aaron 🙂
P.S. Love the new design…very clean 🙂
Aaron Lee says
Hello Dino,
I would agree that there are many people in Asia that are able to speak and are current English speakers. However I was thinking more of an International brand without the need to use English or any language at all. Similar like Mercedes, Pepsi or Nike. They don’t need to brand their brand at all. Their logo speaks for itself..
P.S: Looking at the logo more. I like it even more. LOL
Aaron Lee says
Griddy is awesome isnt she? Love her.
I can’t really say much about their consistency in Malaysia. I am actually quite disappointed with their coffee in Malaysia for the lack of consistency. Maybe its due to the inexperience baristas. Sometime they make really good coffee, and sometimes its too sweet. To cope this, now they premade their coffee base. So they just pour to order.
I am pretty sure it taste better in the United States though. Love to taste the coffee everywhere.
I agree that its receiving negative comments. People don’t like change. They like to feel secure. Guess that is the problem. No matter what starbucks will always be starbucks 🙂
Mikerumawas says
Diversification in products doesn’t have to be disorientation in trade mark.
I think, the word “starbucks” should always be used in all of their products
David LaSpina / JapanDave says
Yep, in Japan 🙂
Maybe that is the older attitude? Hmm.. I know it used to be that no foreign product stood a chance in Japan, so many didn’t even try. But Apple kind of broke that wide open, as their iPod and iPhone did about as well in the market here as in the States. Nowadays a great many of the Japanese logos I see have English in them. Some companies (like Uniqlo) are even going so far as making english their official language (despite not yet having many stores overseas), requiring all employees learn it by a certain date or lose their jobs. It’s a very interesting time.
I do agree with your point about advertising. If they really push this new logo with a strong ad campaign, people might adapt relatively quickly. But I still don’t know. Even in countries that don’t know English, I think at least roman letters are known, so I see no reason to remove “Starbucks” from the logo. It’s a bold change — but is it really a necessary one?
Or perhaps I would have opted to at least keep a thick black border around the logo so it retained the same look at a glance.
Cute_jon00100 says
Hi Aaron,
The transition and changes in the logo is quite interesting. And you’re right, people would talk about it like they talk about Facebook EVERY time it makes changes.
Let’s see, they want to make things simple and want to be recognized just by their logo which quite reminds me of influential celebrities who don’t have last names like Shakira.
Stuart Brown says
The key factor in this is Starbucks understanding of the changing social and economic dynamics. Years ago Starbucks recognised that it wasn’t in the coffee business serving people… but rather it was in the people business serving coffee. As we enter ‘The Experience Economy’ Starbucks’ brand development allows it to leverage the ‘Experiential Essence’ of its brand into non-coffee markets.
With customer experience globally being generally quite lacking, this presents huge opportunities for the ‘Starbucks Experience’. So who knows. Maybe ‘Starbucks Bank’… ‘Starbucks Motors’… ‘Starbucks Hotels’…