Studying in your spare time can be very rewarding, and can allow you access to the next level in your career. You may wish to study in order to change careers. Working full time whilst studying may be a necessity, as you will still have the usual monthly bills to pay. You may need to fund your study too, working will allow for this without having to apply for loans. Is it possible though? Yes, but it won’t be easy. By following the tips in this article you will be able to organise your time to allow the time to study.
Before you embark on any course of studying it is essential to plan. Read the course syllabus carefully and try to work out how much time you need to devote to studying. Is it feasible, if not are there any other study options you could choose instead?
Do you need to attend college or can you study at home and online? There are many ways to study online now, you could even consider studying for an mba online. Ensure the qualifications are recognised in your career choice.
What equipment and materials will you need? Ensure you have all the books necessary before the course starts and make sure your computer system is up to date. Stationary including files and folders may be necessary to store your work.
Have a clear vision of what you would like to achieve. Visualise the end result of qualifying in area in which you would like to work. This will help you stick to your plan of study and provide motivation.
Ensure all deadlines are planned for. You will need to develop excellent time management skills. Usually at the start of any course of study you are given key dates. Get a planner on the wall and divide your study into small achievable chunks, culminating in deadline day.
To manage your time effectively it would be good to discover which part of the day you learn the best. Some people like to get up really early to fit in time to study, whilst others are “night owls” and prefer to study at night.
Study area
Try to have a designated area of your home in which to study. Ideally it should be quiet, with plenty of light. Try to make sure that other household members allow you time to study without being disturbed. Sometimes in busy households a better option would be to study at the library or coffee shop. Perhaps you could study at work, at the end of the day? Let your boss know that you’re studying, it may be beneficial to the company and they may even give you time to study.
Sometimes things happen in our life which we cannot account for. If you have embarked on a course with deadlines to meet, don’t be afraid to let your tutor know if you’re struggling. A good tutor or course provider will give plenty of support and they may be able to give extensions on deadlines. Just make sure you’re honest and don’t try to “muddle” on. Your grades will be affected and the whole purpose of studying in the first place will become meaningless.
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