I was retweeting some of my followers tweets as well “chit-chatting” with some of them. After that i click “profile” to see my profile, something interesting came up. No it wasn’t my profile. Instead this came up.
I got a shocked when I saw it. I guess twitter had too much time on their hands to suspend my account from so many other accounts that were selling “teeth-whitening products” to their followers. So I thought to myself why not write a post about how it feels like getting banned rather than complaining and going crazy or shouting twitter suspended my account!.
So here you are guys. Front row sits to a banned account.
So here you are guys, inside of a banned twitter account. This is the main profile part. As you noticed, I am not following anyone and nobody is following me back. The best part is….
Not only I can read peoples updates, i can also…..
Wanted to reply my followers but too bad I can’t.. oh well! Thought I might just print screen all the pictures before i “go after” twitter.
So I click the “suspended accounts” and they lead me to a new page.
I was thinking if I should send them like a really angry email, instead i start with…
I’m not gonna show you what I wrote, because I am not sure if that’s against any TOS but I might in the future.
Hopefully they reply soon. Would love to hear the reason behind banning me. So there you go guys, front row sits of a twitter banned account. If this happened to you as well, here are 7 Steps To Follow If Your Twitter Account is Suspended to follow. I hope I have helped out, if there is anything don’t hesitate to leave a comment or better yet use my contact form to get in contact with you.
Wow… were you able to get your account back? And if so, will you have all of your data (followers/people you followed/tweets) back too?
I have just had my account suspended 3 days prior to an election.
My posts were to some degree repetitious but they were a political
message which would reach different demographics at different times of
the day across the under hashtags.
If you check the spam act political communication is exempt of the spam act.
There were no monies derived from the tweets. About 10-20 per day.
There was no personal attacks and many tweets that were @ were
television programs.
It also appears Twitter is removing posts with hyperlinks to
particular websites which may impact powerful lobby groups in the US. So
much for free speech.
Meanwhile the porn spam bots continue under the same hashtag along
with the some vial language poster with the most vitriol of language.
Id say I was reported by someone with enough sway to have me canned 2 days prior the election.
I cant see Twitter surviving under this reporting model. Business will need several accounts to prevent suspension.
Now that Twitter are implementing advertising it will only take one
of the other big dotcoms to release and improved version before complete
If I were business I wouldn’t invest the time with such volatility in the reporting procedure.
It appears someone with power has had me suspended at a whim. There
is also organised pack trolls running around having Twitter suspend
3 accounts on different days for different purposes, another to store backed up tweets that wont be suspended.
I cant see Twitter sustaining long term business. Their policy is too willy nilly.
Its a lot to lose.
Hi Aaron Lee Glad I Found Your Blog! Thanks For The Great Info.
My Twitter Account Won’t Work I Can’t Log in? I Can’t Even Tell If I A Suspended (Can’t Think WHY I Would Be? I Do Not Do Anything Against The Rules That I Know Of On Twitter) But Incase I Accidentally made Some Sort of Mistake & Because There Is No Where Else To Actially MAKE Any requests For help On Twitter I Filed 2 Tickets & It’s Been 2 Days No One Has Replied From Twitter? So Bummed.
Your Info. Was Very Helpful! How Long Was It Before Twitter responded To You & Your Account Was Unsuspended Restored?
I Didn’t Want To Make Another Account Incase They Would Think That Is A Breach Of Some Rule?
I Can’t See My Account At All Or Tweet To Anyone To Ack Them To Help Me? There is No Place To See Your suspention Or Your Status Anymore?
I Would Love To Tweet To One Of Those 2 People You Mentioned But I Can’t tweet To Anyone.
I Clicked The Follow You Sign On This Page But again My Account Doesn’t Seem To Work – If It Ever Comes Back Up I Will Follow You You Are Great With Information!
Thank You Again
If Possible Could You Reply To The Question On How Long
Best Regards
So what do you do until then?
I can’t wait for that long!
i get nothing from twitter 🙁 i already follow their instruction but still suspended :(( already send e-mail to them and replied their e-mail. different from you, i cant read updates and cant saw the mention. do you know who the admin beside twitter? i really need talk to him/her. :((((
ikr 🙁
Just had my account suspended..Tweeted a bit and had 3000 followers,yet yesterday i unfollowed over 400 people.Pity cause that was my personal account i tweeted my posts from my blog (ecognomy.blogspot.com) with.You helped me with the ticket,i sent a request to get the account unsuspended and expect to get it answered soon..
Hope that twitter will take action for this.
where/s my followers i cant see
Same, because the account where using is suspended. @ItsMeMefrin
But don’t worry, it will back to normal. 🙂
When this happened to me recently and I was looking up information on it, I came across a wise tip from a commenter: don’t rely too heavily on a resource like Twitter that is outside of your control. Their haphazard suspensions are VERY disruptive and unnerving.
Totally agree with you that annoying users will cause them to search for and find the “next big thing”.
When accounts are unsuspended, the data show up shortly after (within a few hours).
For anyone who finds this, I share my recent encounter with the Twitter police here: http://bit.ly/s_tpif Essentially, you’ll be shown a generic boilerplate form that has you agree to be good then they let you back in. First time should be right away but the second time they unjustly suspended my account it a little over 24 hours from the time I discovered the suspension.
what is it, if we type fast or a lot of tweets per minute? is has nothing to do with others, i imagine, as long as u do not say anything bad, right? I type fast and was having fun as a news story was building, and there was a fight between greenwald and some guy whining, so i responded to a couple of his whines but just with links to new news stories by guardian.
its my second time as the first one was a few mins so i guess i have to wait. no worries, i could make a new one if i had too and i like following more than followers but i had 5 lost souls come to me. was kind of fun..
The way I see it, Twitter wants to keep the spammers and other “gamers” out of their system so that real human users can have a more enjoyable experience. The problem is, they haven’t yet found a way to accurately identify the abusers so they view everybody as guilty, ban haphazardly, and force you to reach out to them and beg to be let back in – believing that only the honest users will do so (the “gamers” will just create new accounts). In short, it’s a major nuisance for those of us who are counting on Twitter’s service to build relationships for our brands to be suddenly suspended, or as I call it, to have your account “impounded”.
Twitter has a major problem with spam blocking still. This could be solved if they discounted “Block and Report as spam” submissions from users who have never been mentioned or messaged by the user they are trying to report. It is not actually spam if they’ve never tweeted you, so quit being a douche.
I have been spam blocked several times by people who disagree with me politically.
Both down for now.
why bmy account being suspended
My account was suspended. What to do?
Im Suspended In Twitter Shhh I cant Wait So long…… ZzZzZz
Yeah I was in twitter when they suspended me. I have no clue as to why? I was very upset and wanted to get a hold of the support desk and scream and yell. They conviently make it very difficult to navigate to get any kind of assistance! I read your blog and it has helped me calm down! LOL! I plan on working with them nice to get my account reopened. Its going to take some time. I had a lot of followers too! 🙁 Oh well life goes on. Thanks for having this site for others to go to so they like me won’t feel all alone.
Im Suspended In Twitter Shhh I cant Wait So long…… ZzZzZz