A few weeks ago, one of my Twitter followers asked me how he could add himself on his own list using Twitter’s platform.
Bad news first? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is you can’t do it on twitter.com.
However, you can add yourself using a third party platform like HootSuite.
Before you go on adding yourself to your own lists, first we have to understand why should even consider it.
The simple answer to that question is exposure.
When you create a Twitter lists which is public, you’re not only creating a list for yourself, but you’re also allowing other people to subscribe to it.
For example, take this Social Media list that I had compiled to keep up with the latest news; Not only does it help me keep up to date with what is happening on the web, there are 91 others that are keeping tabs by subscribing to it as well.
When you add yourself to your own list, your tweets will also appear on that list, helping your tweets gain more exposure to the people that subscribes to your list.
How do you add yourself to your own Twitter list?
Step 1: Log into HootSuite. If you don’t have one, simply register an account.
Step 2: After you’ve logged into your account, click the add stream button.
Step 3: Next step is to add the “mention” stream onto your dashboard. This will help you add yourself into your Twitter lists later.
Step 4: Now that you’re done with step 3, click the “add stream” button again and click “lists” . Select the list you want to add yourself into and click “add stream”. For some reason, you can also add yourself into lists that are uploaded onto your dashboard. (weird huh?)
Step 5: Go to your mention stream and click your own username.
Step 6: When you click your own username, your profile will pop up and when it does, click Add To List at the bottom.
Step 7: Select the list you want to add yourself into and click Save.
You’re done! You’ve just successfully added yourself into your own Twitter list.
Here is my list before and after I’ve added myself.
Note: You can also add yourself onto your own list with other third party platforms, but I’ve not personally tested all of them.
Very interesting… might have to take another look at this…
You should mate 😉
Hi Aaron,
Interesing! Thanks for sharing this. I did this on HootSuite but never on Twitter official app (don’t really use official though). Haha! Thanks mate (once again)
Aaron, another reason to add yourself to your own lists: it is easier to see conversations. If you have a list on top (I keep 15+ columns open in Tweetdeck), you can see responses to you. But replies to someone not in the list won’t show up in the list view.
I’ve added myself to most of my private lists now just because it makes it easier to converse within the list view even when my mention column isn’t visible.
Thank you for sharing such an amazing tutorial. This is an awesome way to insert yourself in twitter list.
Great and thank you!
Nice trick. Thanks for sharing. A cool way to add yourself on your twitter list :”)
This is Awesome … Thanks for sharing
and i dont get it, why it can be useful? You can see your own tweets without this trick 🙁
Very smart Aaron, I wouldn’t have even thought to do this. When I first started reading I wondered why you would even consider it, so thanks for explaining the very simple (and super awesome) reason to do it.
My pleasure Rebekah 🙂 So glad you found it useful 🙂
Genius!!! Thank you – that was really bugging me because a few of the lists are groups I belong to and I’m not in them! Thank you Aaron!
Thank you Aaron. I usually create lists with Discovr People, where I can follow visually the mentions and add myself plus 499 within a few minutes. Posting lists is indeed a good ways of creating some BUZZ, however I cannot quantify. For one list of 500, I maybe get from 1% a mention back and maybe 10 follows.
Thanks for sharing that Aaron. More than technique i liked the tactic behind this. Really useful. Thanks again! 🙂
Very cool Aaron. Was not aware of the list feature existed or the value to it.
thanks for sharing thah content…………..
seo education
THANK you so much! I will confirm that it works in TweetDeck, I just clicked on my name in the notifications column from an MT, and saw the pop-up of my profile – then proceeded to add myself to my list! Beautiful!
Thank you it was so easy to follow!
Why this is not possible directly from Twitter I don’t understand. However, thanks for the workaround.
awesome. Thanks !!!
Another option: click on a mention of you in Tweetdeck and click “Add or remove from lists…”. I tried that after seeing your tutorial and already having Tweetdeck up.
Fantastic solution! Why can’t Twitter simply add this feature?!
Thank you so much – problem solved! Great share!
Great suggestion, thanks!
nice work!! thanks for some good tips.You made a great post on it. I specially say one thing , I had fun reading this and many great insights here. I will share this information
with my friends and they will certainly love to read this. Very informative, I’ll definitely give these 5 stars.
This is perfect! THANK YOU! I now added myself to a list!
Awesome! Thanks so much!
That was super helpful! Done and sorted in under 60 seconds. Thanks!
I tried this with my employer’s twitter account, but it seems to no longer work in HootSuite. However, it does work from TweetDeck and I was able to do it that way.
Very helpful. Thank you Aaron.
Thanks Mike! much easier this way !
This was so helpful! Quick and easy. Thanks!
Thank you so much.
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