Have you been interested in making money from the comfort of your home? Sure you do, like so many people these days, and you’ve probably already performed your own research. However, the idea of earning extra income online can be quite challenging, especially if you don’t have concrete knowledge about where to start.
But perhaps while doing your research, you have chanced upon all kinds of banner advertising campaigns around the web. Even more so, maybe you’ve encountered one of the most popular platforms and marketplaces for banner advertising, Clicksdealer.com, and wondered – “Is this worth my time and effort?”
Well, good thing you asked because, in this review, we’re going to talk about what’s the platform about and how it can help you generate extra income online.
What Is the ClicksDealer Platform?
By essence, the platform is designed for flipping ads (or banner ads, to be exact) for profit. It provides online marketers – whether with experienced or not – an opportunity to make money by buying and selling banner ads, all promoting various products of big brands online, in different categories. Those ad campaigns, when done right, can generate a solid extra income for their advertisers (i.e., the platform’s members).
How Does It Work?
The very first thing you need to do on Clicksdealer.com is open an account so that you can purchase your own advertising package. Note that there is a minimum deposit required, which is $250, but that’s pretty much what you need to invest in order to get things started and try the platform.
Various account types (such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond) are offered in the ClicksDealer marketplace, all of them include different benefits and features, depending on the amount you’re willing to invest in and the packages which suit you the most.
Once you logged in to the ClicksDealer platform, you’ll be introduced to a dashboard where you can check your ads stats and income generated. To start buying banners, simply click on “Marketplace” and browse through a deluge of banner ads to decide what you want. These banners contain information about the price, brand trend, and the number of days you can own them. Interestingly, Clicksdealer.com is home to different ad categories, such as Automotive, digital Currencies, Electronics, Fashion, and others, featuring some of today’s biggest brands (e.g., Adidas, Sony, Samsung, Nike, Toyota, etc.). Just note that if there’s an ad with a “Bid” icon on it, it means that it belongs to another user (you can place your bid if you want to).
As soon as you’re done purchasing your ad, you can launch the campaign and start advertising products of these popular brands online. It’s also worth noting that your banners will be placed on a variety of third-party sites, allowing you to gain more web-impressions and clicks.
Each time someone clicks on one of your banner ads, you’ll get paid. But the better and higher-paying way to generate income is through the ad flipping process. It means that you can actually re-sell your banner ad (or multiple ads) to the highest bidder, just like in an auction. That way you can profit by selling your ad at a higher price comparing to the purchase price.
If you want to keep track of bids you made on ads (and you certainly should), just go to the “My Bids” page. From there you can check the “Market History” and “Transactions” pages, both of which can give you an overview of the work you have done so far on the platform.
The Final Verdict
As you might have noticed, ClicksDealer has a very straightforward process. The dashboard itself is intuitive so you can understand everything right from the get-go. If you want to check your activity history, the platform allows you to do so alongside detailed information about your ads’ performance. You can even compare trends, so you can make an informed decision when buying ads. To sum it up, if you’re new to the online marketing world, Clicksdealer.com is definitely a platform worth checking out.