You got your twitter account suspended? Don’t worry, I got mine suspended a few weeks back as well. Rather than going crazy there are a few things you can do in the meantime. You can read more about it in my blog post: Inside of a Banned Twitter Account
Twitter is getting really serious lately suspending accounts without any notices (No they don’t give notices). If this happens to you, then here are 7 steps that you should follow besides going crazy.
1. Stay Cool and Calm
Don’t go crazy that your account got suspended. It is actually normal for that to happen because you might not know all the twitter rules. Yes twitter have their set of rules too.
2. Submit a ticket
Submit a ticket to twitter. Just follow the link from your suspended account. If you can’t find it you can submit a ticket here
Here is a link that you can use if any of your friends need to submit a ticket to twitter.
When you follow the link, this is what you will see.
Click ‘account restoration‘ (click this if you can’t find it)
Click “my account has been suspended’
When you do, fill this up.
Make sure you be nice!
DON’T: Write to twitter in an angry manner. That is why you need to practice step 1. Don’t send them a ticket saying ” WTF, why the *#&& did you suspend my account”
DO: Dear twitter, I noticed my account @username got suspended…. etc.. ”
3. Create another account if needed
You can tweet your followers that you are close with. Tell them that your account got suspended and ask them for help IF NEEDED
4. Wait for 24 hours.
Be patient, twitter will reply within 24 hours or more.
5. Reply to twitters email
If you received the email. Reply to it. It will help if you respond to their email.
Make sure you have filed a ticket to twitter before tweeting them.
6. Tweet @Ginger
Use your other account created earlier to tweet her. Ask her if you had a TOS problem or not.
If no replies
7. Tweet @Delbius
After a couple of days, if @Ginger didn’t reply then tweet @Delbius.
Hi, Everybody here is just winning and I think WTF! You guys don’t add any value to resolve this problem.
Let me tell you my story:
I taught my account got suspended because even though I could log in Twitter won’t let me tweet, RT, or share.
What I did prior to this semi-suspension is:
1.- I wanted to delete old tweets and I used… Tweet delete and because they just delete ONLY the last month of tweets I tried Tweet deleter and it was more of the same.
2.- I enable Twitter Cards
Does anybody know if doing these 2 actions led to the suspension or limiting the use of Twitter?
Thanks for your post. My twitter account got banned few days ago. So I’ll follow your steps to get it back.
i filled out various tickets with no answers and no results. they are silent so i assume i have lost my account for good. some bone head and how friends at MSNBC all blocked and reported me because i challenged their facts on Ferguson. Twitter didn’t like it
I noticed some time back that i kept on loosing numbers ands seeing numbers listed for me that looked funny..i had been suspended before when i hit 2k on followers. i lost most of them over the newt week while i was gone.
Because you’re a typical f*cking n!gger
Aaron my Twitter account was suspended. I think it’s because I was sending insults to people I don’t like, under a fake fictional name. I also send some semi nude photos of women to women I know. I know, its bad, and so it seems that they complained and now I have my Twitter account suspended. I don’t want to appeal because I don’t want to reveal my identity. So my question is, can I open another account with a different email and this time my real name?
I’m a senior citizen, got tablet for Christmas, no idea how to use, kids set up Twitter using fictitious character “Aubie the tiger” I guess people thought I was a spy that’s what they said about others. One guy said he was going to clean house and proof I can’t find my account.
Thanks for this post. I think my situation is a little different, but maybe you can help. I just started using manageflitter and sent about 50 @mentions last night. Now I get the “this request looks like it might be automated. Looks like I’m not actually suspended. Do I just sit tight for a day then go back, but with much more mild behavior?
Luckily my account has never been suspended. I tend to be very conservative with growth on any social network. Number one rule I have don’t follow more than a few per day. Slow very high quality grow is better than very fast growth. That is what I have been doing for a while. If you got banned you deserved it… unless if was politically motivated. Or you were trying to grow faster than what that social network things you should be allowed to.
Idiot, Marxists are friends of all minorities except Jews. They hate us for some reason.
Maybe because you are impersonating a celebrity.
twitter (like most things) is run by a bunch of assholes
I agree. I want nothing to do with Twitter any more.
You must be the aggressive police. Lol.
You are aggressively unfunny.
Hey, thanks for the help but when I clicked the link your telling the link doesn’t come out or it said “this page has been removed”. So I can’t click the link you have given. Please help and reply quickly.
Nice step : – Wait for 24 hours
It’s old. Links doesn’t work, like Twicket.
And Twitter ignors my ticket.
i think it’s once and forever.
same with me and nothing
They did it to me, I was getting 60 new followers a day. Hell I thought that was a great thing…What’s up with Twitter?
That is messed up and not right at all
I was only doing the right thing by following back the ones that followed me. How would they say it’s aggressive following? They didn’t even tell me why. I just found out maybe why from reading everyone else’s complaints. I wasn’t so nice when I sent my complaint in so I guess I’m screwed
freedom of religion includes freedom FROM religion.
is it possible to register any suspended twitter account?
Kind Regards
Rajkumar Kanagaraj