Retweet is one of the ways that is used by people if they like a tweet that you posted, however the topic of the day is which is better? According to mashable’s poll 64% of people prefer old retweets compared to new retweets.
My personal opinion? I prefer OLD RETWEETS.
Why? This is because old retweets…
1. Stands out.
Why do old retweets stands out? One of the reason is because whenever I retweet soneone, they will be able to view the retweets at their @username timeline. Same goes when people retweet my tweets. I’ll be able to see people who retweeted me as well as tweets from other twitteres as well. If you use the new retweet I will have to go to another section on twitter which is the retweet section just to check if I had retweets.
This is like you’re in a restaurant and you’re having your dinner with a bunch of friends but they don’t allow you to drink in the restaurant and you go to another section to have your drinks. Get it?
2. Ability to add comment
One thing I love about old retweets is that I am able to add comment on someone else tweets that I want to retweet like the one below
If I use the new retweet I am not able to add any comments on the tweets. Moreover sometimes people will add comment on retweets and I’ll respond to them too.
3. Creates Better Bond
When you retweet someone it creates a bond with them, although the new retweet has the same effect. The old retweets stands out thus creates a bond with the original poster of the tweet and creates a bond with them. Moreover the avatar looks bigger too.
4. Easier to thank.
It’s actually easier to thank people with the old retweet. If you want to thank someone that uses the new retweet you have to open their pages one by one in order to thank them. I noticed from a lot of twitteres they usually thank those who use the old retweets and not the new retweets. Imagine if you had 100 of reweets, how are you going to thank so many people by opening the pages one by one?
5. It’s personal
Having the ability to add comments is more personal compare to the new retweet that you can’t add any comments. It gives a personal touch to a tweet rather than just clicking a button to retweet.
Example I could think of right now is like a birthday card where everyone is asked to sign so they signed the birthday card except you. You add a personal note saying “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and sign the card. Which one do you think stands out?
i have the same problem to thanks my RTers you r write its like going to neighbor kitchen to get a glass of water ,that makes me miss some of my followers updates & i have again to go to check the list & this will not work if u have a big among of followers and a big part of them communicate with u ,good luck friend
i don’t understand all the exitement, after all, you can always continue with the old RT.s, no one is forcing you. but think: if you are quoting me something shakespeare had said, i much prefert his head (or avator that HE chose for himself) to yours, because i want to think about HIS words. it’s like a quote in science: first i want to READ (content), then catch a glimpse of the person, who said it, thirdly i sill look at who was so nice to send this. thus some of my followers have gotten to know wome of the tweeters i RT more often, due to the fact that they have a lot of good stuff (by my criteria). so i love the new RT, i hated the old one. but if i want to comment or change the wording (often around a link), i will use the old RT. so what’s the exitement? you have been giben an ADDITIONAL choice.
aah, the little survey that most people prefer the old RT; 2 things to that: firstly some people have little to say themselves, they are mainly RT-ers, so i dan understand that their face appears too seldom unless they continue with the old RT. second: i did a little survey by mail and telepohone and can say: people who have lots or original thoughts (that others might RT) prefer the NEW RT 8;2. the others not. i found this interesting too.
I agree with you. It is duplication. I am one who likes to make a comment about the tweets, thank my Twitter friends who acknowledge the tweets. It is more congenial! However, Twitter is very efficient in allowing us to continue to connect with our fav. twiends in Twitterverse. Best regards and best of luck.
Yep, the new RT is a pain in the arse. Copy and paste into the update bar so you can add to it takes too long – can we get access to the old RT feature? Maybe i should have a look hmmm.